
Mutual communication 상호 커뮤니케이션

        (written in 2003)

 What do you do first when the day breaks? Do you pray? Do you read a newspaper? Some of us might either meditate or take exercise early in the morning. Most people will usually talk to their partners, read the newspapers, or turn on the radio. Whether praying, talking, or reading, we face somebody, or something, to whom we are closely related.

 In fact, almost everything in this global world is intimately connected through various means of communication. Radio, TV, video, magazine, book, and cassette tapes are already the old-fashioned forms of communication. As we all know well, such advanced and influential media as cell phones, CD-ROMs, and the Internet have an enormous impact on society nowadays.

 These electronic facilities allow direct and immediate communication beyond time and space. Every moment of our lives is surrounded by powerful means of communication. Take a look at e-mails. It takes only a few seconds to send a message. It is said that this is an era of the flood of information and communication.

 Through the so-called high-tech and high-touch, we are constantly developing new ways to communicate with one another. Why are we so eager to search for mutual communication? I think our deep longing for intimate communication is deeply innate in our hearts from the very beginning of creation.

 God himself is a great communicator. While creating all living things, he wanted to communicate with them all. He even wished to be in communion with a human being in his likeness and finally created people.

 However, because of the pride, curiosity, and disobedience of Adam and Eve, mutual communication was broken. But that was not the end. It was just the beginning of universal salvation.

 When we love somebody, we want to be together, to talk, and to do something together. We try to meet our beloved as often as we can. If a meeting doesn't come true, we become gloomy, lonesome, and even depressed. Love lets communication extend beyond time and space. Anybody who has the experience of falling in love will surely understand this transcendental concept of time.


When Love Is Absent


When love is absent

You are thee, close, yet so distant


It's the want of love

That you avoid facing me,

With only one wall between us


It's the want of love

That you don't come to talk,

With only one door between us


When love and understanding abound in us

So many walls become clear glass windows


When love and understanding abound in us

So many doors become opened


When love and understanding abound in us

Intertwined lattices become stepping stones


When love is absent

You are thee, close, yet so distant


Many post-modern people are carrying cell phones in their pockets to help their relationships with others and go beyond the distance. It goes without saying that the internet helps our mutual communications.

 In this way, various forms of mass media have enriched our lives and global relations. They are all beneficial gifts invented by those who have endured with hope and goodwill. The problem is how to make the best use of them for the common weal.

 As we live in this multimedia society where the mass media plays a significant role, we  have to keep asking the following questions:

 What values does the modern media present? How can we make peace, joy, truth, and justice known to all people around the world? In what way can we contribute ourselves to let spiritual values enrich media productions and those who use these means? How do we make people happy, lovely, and joyful to the fullest extent possible?

 Considering the dual powers of multimedia, it would be inspiring to keep these issues in our minds. Promoting sensual pleasure, selfish interest, consumerism, and individualism should not be the ultimate goal. How nice it would be if we could all think of the common weal when we make use of mass media!

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Oct. 27, 2003

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