
Embraced by the Light 빛에 감싸여


        (written in 2003)

Light stands for love. When we love one another, we experience the shining light and become transparent.

 I once read a true story of a near-death experience entitled ``Embraced by the Light'' by Betty J. Eadie, an Indian-English. The story begins with the decision of its protagonist, Betty, not to abort her seventh baby. Instead of abortion, she underwent surgery for a hysterectomy in 1973. The young 31-year-old mother died after the surgery and experienced a very spiritual journey into the heavens.

 Betty had memories of a gloomy childhood because her parents were divorced when she was only 4 years old. She was the seventh child. Six of them had to go to a Catholic boarding school because of their parent's separation. She didn't like to study at this school because of its cold and strict rules.

 Later, she even went to a hospital because of a serious cough. Here, on the hospital bed, she met a man with a white beard in a vision and a bright light embraced her in a mystic and spiritual experience.

 Then, she entered Brainard Indian Training School. She also went to Lutheran and Baptist churches, as well as, the Salvation Army. At the age of 15, she was sent to live with her mother. It was here at her mother's home that she fell in love with a neighbor and married him. Sad to say, however, she was divorced after six years of marriage with four children, owing to mutual immaturity and differing goals. Later on, she met another man, Joe, at a Christmas dance party. This meeting was a new turning point in a life stained with wounded memories of suffering from broken marriage and loneliness. She was truly happy living with him until she died.

 After the surgery, her body lay on what was her death bed and again met the man with the light shining all around him. It was the same light as before but this time, transmitted a feeling of unconditional love with overflowing joy. Happily embraced by the light, she experienced the power of love itself: love to help others and to care for one another; love to understand and forgive; love with a smile and a word of encouragement; and love with a small act of sacrifice and service. She learned that the natural order of love is loving our Creator, loving ourselves, and loving others. She also learned that the two major forces of energy are spirit and love _ love is the only thing that matters and love is joy.

 She visited various heavenly places where either warring angels or spiritual brothers and sisters live and protect people. In the library of the mind, all knowledge on any topic came up by simply reflecting on it. Such an unusual experience that led her to this blessed joy made her not want to return to earth.

 Nevertheless, she accepted her inevitable return home. In spite of facing hardship and uncertainty, she decided to live with her family again and even adopted a child. She truly regarded the role of the family in love as the most fundamental and important factor in life.

 She had eight children and eight grandchildren by then. By adopting a child, she learned that strength is found in love and charity. We are, in fact, interrelated with one another and in this way, we learn to love unconditionally, as she said ``We are all collectively bonded to each other while on earth, united in this one supreme purpose _ to learn to love one another.'' Truly, everything depends on love.

 I enjoyed reading this book, especially because I sympathized with her inner adventure through much suffering and her renewed awareness of unconditional love. Her decision to adopt another child is surely a sign of the greatest power of unconditional love. This attitude is very special and meaningful, especially in these times when some parents quickly turn away from their own children.

 Being together in a family with motherly love is what our society needs now. ``When we make the effort to move away from self and begin to concentrate on the needs of others and how to help them, we begin to heal. Service is a balm to both the spirit and body…we are to love one another…we are to be kind, to be tolerant, and to give generous service. Greater joy will come to us through love than in any other way. Above all else, love one another.''

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ July 14, 2003

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