
Taking a Religious Retreat 피정하기


               (written in 2002)

Nowadays, many people are looking for spirituality. Some of us are going on a journey or a retreat somewhere so as to undergo certain transcendental experiences through meditation or contemplation. In my opinion, having such time for spiritual life is more important and urgent than having a summer vacation on a crowded beach. Although our society has improved and developed in many ways, we are still thirsting for spirituality to empower the inner self. Scientific development alone cannot satisfy us. So we take a pilgrim or retreat to a remote place. Surely, we need this kind of free and silent time.

 As a religious person, I go on a monthly retreat for a day once a month and a yearly retreat for about 2 weeks. This program is very important and necessary to grow in spiritual life. The pilgrimage of the heart is the way to repentance, leading to change in life. It is really important to have some free time and to take a spiritual retreat towards inner transformation or renewal from time to time. A serene time is required especially to look back at our daily life and go forward with a renewed resolution.

 During the retreat, I attentively listen to the inner voice and open my heart wide so as to feel, enjoy, and share a peaceful joy. Contemplative listening at this pleasant time is the base for meeting the true self, facing limitations and possibilities, obstacles and potentials. The retreat is truly the necessary furnace of merciful love; it is also the door to go forward and to be free. During the retreat, I usually look at the creator, remain in his unconditional love, and finally make up my mind to love my neighbors and nature as well. Of course, the retreat is a good time to purify attachment, excessive desire, and disorderly life through the examination of conscience. As a result, I feel grateful for every spiritual gift and entrust everything to the hands of Providence.

 The other day, thinking of going somewhere for my monthly retreat, I left my local community house early in the morning together with a novice. I wanted to make it very special. After waiting for a bus for a while, we arrived at a pilgrim village called Sinnamugol, the first place of accepting faith in Taegu, and prayed at Yonwhari retreat house in memory of martyrs who had died there long ago to prove their firm faith. The scenery around was very peaceful. We stayed there for a while and took a rest after lunch. Much appreciated their generous hospitality, we enjoyed walking along the road and felt more refreshed than before. So, I wrote the following verses on a thanksgiving card:


Looking with open eyes,

Everything is a gift freely given.

Feel it deeply!


Facing with an open heart,

Everything is a joy to share.

Smile to the full!


Appreciating with touching sympathy,

Everything is a mysterious wonder.

Live all together!

 On the way back home, we had a chance to visit Waegwan Monastery. Upon hearing that it took only 7 minutes to get there, we decided to walk. However, we realized that it was 7 minutes away by car. We had to walk on and on until a kind gentleman gave us a ride. He was willing to take us to the monastery. After looking around the monastery, we walked again to take a bus back home. At that very moment, another generous and simple gentleman gave us a ride up to the city. He was cheerful and happy to accompany us in his small car. Our friends usually advise us not to accept a ride because it might be dangerous and harmful. Nevertheless, I simply choose to trust others, as I like to give people a chance to do good and share.

 The view outside the car was telling us that nature is shrouded in the greatest love. We were a bit anxious because we were not sure about arriving home on time, but there was no need to worry. Just before dinner, we came back. All in all, it was a pleasant trip. Opening our eyes wide, there are so many good and cheerful things that remind us of the goodness and beauty of creatures. Many people have destroyed the beauty and positive aspects of the universe mainly due to greed and possessive desire. Nevertheless, warm-hearted people are still eager to help and cooperate with others in goodwill. As nature reveals its beauty to the world, so simple people show the joy of being together. 

The Korea Times/ Thoughts of The Times/ August 7, 2002

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