
Love and Vision 사랑과 비전


         (written in 2002)

 Mother Theresa, to be sanctified next spring, once said that she sometimes prayed for 24 hours. Is it possible to pray all day long? When an interviewer asked her what Americans need, she answered, "Americans need to pray more." Her answer did not emphasize generosity or love. Why? It is because prayer brings about intuition, vision, love, and inner change. Prayer lets us become a person of universal love.

 How about Fr. James Alberioune, the founder of the Pauline Family? He got up very early in the morning and began his days with prayer every day. He prayed for about 3 or 4 hours a day. Martin Luther also prayed 3 hours a day. He said we should pray more, especially when we face additional challenges. St. Paul begins his epistles with a prayer of gratitude and ends with prayer.

 Jesus Christ was also always praying. He prayed when he was tempted, transformed into the beloved Son, chose his disciples, healed people, and struggled with his coming death. He kept praying. Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Daniel, Judith, Hanna, Zecharia, Isaiah, etc. were all people of prayer. All our ancestors of faith were looking for the presence of God in prayer. Prayer lets us be and makes everything possible if it is God's will. That's why we should pray all the more.

 Then, what is prayer? What do I think of prayer? People usually mention that prayer is a dialogue or meeting with the living God. It is truly an endless and mutual process of talking and listening. It is the lifting of our minds and hearts to God. Prayer is also defined as the bridge towards the absolute Being, the light of the soul, breathing, blood, life, sharing, the dynamic force of charity, the origin of humility and poverty, an intimate relationship with God expressed by words and actions and silence, the way to discern and practice God's will, the way to feel the joy of unity, an expression of love for God and people, being in union with God, the greatest good, an inexpressible love from divine grace, true knowledge about God and an intercessor between God and men. Prayer is life itself.

 I think prayer is a life filled with love. Praying is about loving and giving thanks. The ultimate goal or point of prayer is love. Life becomes prayer and prayer becomes life when we really love one another. Without the power of love, we can't love others as they are. How do we express our love to God? There are various ways of praying as can see in the Psalms.

 First, we pray to adore God, expressing our love, loyalty, and praise. Second, we pray to thank him for his favors and for everything given to us. Third, we pray to obtain from him the forgiveness of our sins and the remission of their punishment. Fourth, we pray for grace and ask for blessings for ourselves and others. These four aims are traditional.

 There are also two kinds of prayer: mental prayer and vocal prayer. Through mental prayer, we unite ourselves with God, converse with him spontaneously without words, and express our thoughts and sentiments. Vocal prayer is spoken. The rosary, the way of the cross, the liturgy of hours, Mass, etc. are vocalized. Prayer usually starts with introductory words, moves to monologue and dialogue, and finally ends with listening to God.

 Looking at nature, people, and events we can naturally pray and talk to God. By reading and meditating on the Bible, we can listen to God's voice. Just facing the cross and sitting in front of the Eucharist, we can feel and love God. Our life itself is the source of prayer. In fact, we can pray anytime and anywhere as Mother Theresa of Calcutta said.

 What is needed for prayer? First, we need to pray with attention or concentration. Having a good body position helps us to concentrate on God's words. Second, we need to pray with an awareness of our own helplessness and dependence on God. Third, we need to pray with a great desire for the graces we ask for and for God's will. Fourth, we need to pray with loving trust and await his goodness. Fifth, perseverance or patience is necessary for prayer. It's better not to give up praying but to pray constantly. Besides, we need to take time to pray regularly, open our hearts and minds, and keep our inner silence. Faithfulness, dedication, constancy, and humility are some of the virtues needed to pray well.

 The fruits of sincere prayer with the help of the Holy Spirit are love, peace, sympathy, care, mutual interest, willing help, sharing, service, healing, forgiveness, harmony, joy, unity, gentleness, gratitude, meekness, self-control, kindness, endurance, goodness, success, humility and so on. All these virtues can be achieved through the power of prayer. Above all, the two effects of prayer are love and vision. When we pray sincerely, each of us can surely be a person of love with vision.

 Prayer lets us love to the end. A great earthquake happened in Armenia. As the building fell down, a 26-year-old woman with her 4-year-old daughter was imprisoned inside. They felt nothing but fear of death. The daughter was crying from hunger and thirst. Her mother cut her finger with a piece of broken glass and fed her blood to her daughter. When they were rescued after 14 days, her fingers were stained with blood. What makes this possible? It's love coming from prayer. Prayer makes sacrifice and love possible.

 But a 23-year-old daughter murdered her 54-year-old father and threw his body on the street. Why? She wanted the insurance. Without love and respect, we can become like the ungrateful daughter. With love, however, we can easily and spontaneously sacrifice ourselves like the Armenian mother. Prayer helps us to love others, paying any price, to the end.

 Prayer lets us have a vision. Rodin climbed a mountain one day with young people. On the way up, a huge rock appeared. The others complained, but Rodin envisioned something. He created his 'thinking man' statue.

 Most people hate rats, but Walt Disney observed them playing in a warehouse and created Micky Mouse, which became a symbol of peace and freedom. From major obstacles, something creative, new and great can come. Prayer helps us to have the vision to look at events beyond reality. Prayer is such a good thing.

 Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Dec. 24, 2002

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