
Jacob's Well 야곱의 우물

         (written in 2004)

Born in 1994, “Jacob's well” s a friend of those who lives the words day in and day out. This year, this monthly biblical magazine is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its birth. With the intention to make the Biblical message easier and more touching to ordinary people, Jacob's well has tried to gather various stories regarding the living Bible in our daily lives.

 Jacob's well stands for the roots of Israel and the site of life through meeting with Jesus. Together with twelve sons, Jacob drew water from this well in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Jesus proclaims the Bible to foreign countries by encountering a Samaritan woman.

 The core of this magazine is called 'kitchen garden' to share daily Bible meditation every month. With a deep and thorough meditation based on personal intuition and experiences, this section tries to make the daily Bible enriched every moment.

 Jacob's well shares various articles such as an interesting interpretation of the Gospels, the small community sharing, the Bible and other religions, a cartoon, symbols in the Bible, the church and the society, the personal testament of faith, an ecumenical meeting, a psychological approach, a fairy tale, a short essay, a puzzle, etc. It's a kind of cooking the spiritual and inspiring message into something enjoyable and delicious.

 While celebrating the 10th anniversary in April, about 200 people visited the Pauline Apostolate Center at Miari and shared joyful thanks with one another. At this gathering, some of our sisters performed the thanksgiving dance and 10 minutes of drama during Mass, which people enjoyed very much. With contributions, we are sending many copies to prisoners, seminarians in the military service, the poor in a remote mountain village, etc. In fact, it spreads more and more not only throughout the country but throughout the whole world.


Come, everybody.

Please do come to Jacob's well-side

Where Jacob and his descendants quenched their thirst.

Here is Jacob's well.


If you want a draught of the Words

Like the lively morning dew

Like a small spring in a mountain valley


If you want a bowl of the words

As cool as watery radish kimchi on thin ice

As grateful as a good rain showering after drought


Come, everybody

Please do come to Jacob's well-side

Where Jacob and his descendants quenched their thirst.

Here is Jacob's well.


A Samaritan woman who secretly drew water

And also Zachaeo who climbed up a stony fig tree

Faced a new day because of a single word.


“Daily Bible meditation” growing while sitting at a kitchen garden

"The well of the life" drawing the Words here and there

"New heavens and new earth" spreading for each community


Flesh-like experiences sharing at "the spot of life"

This or that topic of conversation makes us nod

All these encourage our drooping shoulders


A person who has been changed due to a single word 

A newly born relation because of a moment of encounter

And an unexpected treasure are all hidden here.


Come, everybody

Please do come to Jacob's well-side

Where Jacob and his descendants quenched their thirst.

Here is Jacob's well.


Jacob's well is God's words

Coming down from a well-bucket

Lightening the footsteps of people coming and going


Jacob's well is God's love

Pouring down like a shower

Transforming while spreading all over the earth


Jacob's well is God's friendship

As cool as the spring water

Clear and deep water wells up while digging out


Jacob's well is God's joy

Smiling widely together

Walking one another while being a peaceful friend


Come, everybody

Please do come to Jacob's well-side

Where Jacob and his descendants quenched their thirst.

Here is Jacob's well.

The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ May 13, 2004


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