
Harmony in Life 삶의 조화

        (written in 2003)

Although Koreans are accustomed to thinking from a western point of view because of changes in the country’s education system, it is inspiring that many people are interested in oriental philosophy and spirituality nowadays.

 In oriental spirituality, the harmony or balance of silence and activity, Yin (the negative, female principle) and Yang (the positive, male principle), is important. The so-called `way of taste (refinement or elegance) reveals the constancy or harmony in silence and activity. The universe is changing endlessly but it is constantly harmonized and united. Thus, we all belong to the same huge, cosmic family.

 It is a pity that Koreans have a tendency to neglect their oriental identity, the advantages, and the general themes of oriental spirituality. However, it is quite encouraging to see that the world on the whole is more concentrated on eastern philosophy and that spiritual matters are regarded as the highest values these days. People are constantly looking for new ways of leading a truer and fuller spiritual life.

Considering this contemporary trend, Koreans should be proud of knowing their tradition of oriental spirituality and have much-inherited knowledge to dig out and share with others.

 One of these spiritual inheritances is harmony. For me, one way of leading a harmonious life is through prayer. Valuing the importance of keeping harmony in life, I try to pray more in the hope of enjoying the beauty of balance in my daily life. Believing that love is the most important thing in religious life, I feel an urgent need to pray to get closer to this spiritual goal of harmonized integration.

 I enjoy making a short spontaneous prayer (a so-called `arrow prayer), which is spoken daily. ``Thank you" is one of my frequent prayers. While praying, I ask ``Help me accept my passions," ``Is it important for me to do it now," or ``Would you do it if you are in my shoes." I try to have a talk with a higher presence in myself. All these inner questions lead me toward a harmony between activity and spiritual life.

  I also pray for my sisters living together in the same community. Once I made a resolution to pray for each sister. Realizing that some of the others’ negative responses or comments toward me came from their personal dissatisfaction and complaints, I felt I had to ask the Lord to forgive me just in case I hurt them or was not able to satisfy their expectations. I cannot meet others' needs all the time.

 While praying for others, I feel I become much more peaceful, enduring, generous, and understanding. I can enjoy and appreciate each moment more with a praying spirit. My negative feelings toward others are naturally removed through prayer. Remembering them in my prayer is one way of reconciliation and inner change. Of course, it takes time, but I think the situation improves. Being attentive to others through prayer allows me to listen to them and accept them as they are. It is still difficult for me to communicate with others as fully and freely as I want, but the important thing is that I am making a constant effort to challenge myself with courage and vision. And it does work.

 Because of this effort, I would like to give myself at least 90 points for my spiritual life. However, the reality of my spiritual life tells me that I am about 70 points or less. Several reasons for giving these good points are as follows: I am making a constant effort to have an intimate relationship with the Lord and to adjust myself to the community. One of the changes in my life is that I am eager to pray these days. As much as I can, I try to be in the presence of the greater Being.

 Another change is that I try to listen to others and have more dialogue with them. Recognizing my ego, I am making an effort to pay attention to others and be willing to correct myself. My sense of attachment to those whom I like more has reduced. I still have limitations, but I am empowering myself to be able to face and accept my weaknesses and to go forward with my vision.

 I entrust my personal weaknesses to the generous providence of God. His merciful love lets me live in the community. A strong inner presence attracts me to be tolerant of my weaknesses and to do my best to overcome limitations. Then, my inner power comes. I am still where I am, but another vision gives light. It is good and encouraging to see myself as I am. I am here and now because of the greater power of love.

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Jan 18, 2003

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