
God's Jewels 하느님의 보석

        (written in 2004)

 My mother hasn't owned any jewelry in her life except a gold ring. But even that she sold for her son. Later her son bought her another ring, but she offered it to the church. Now saying she is going to heaven someday, she always wears a silver rosary ring on her finger and prays day in and day out.

 In fact, her lifetime jewels are the rosary beads threaded by nothing but sacrifice, love, and patience. These jewels appear do not outwardly appear to be so bright and are stained because of repeated prayers. However, the rosary shines more than any other jewel in the world. They are my mother's precious jewels.

 Here is another set of jewels. It's "God's Jewels," a little but elegant collection of meditations drawn and written by Park In-ok, a young mother with three children. She is now leading her happy and joyful family. "God's Jewels" raises various ideas to ponder, contemplating the joy, thanks, and prayers hidden in our simple but intuitive and beautiful daily lives. Each message and image shines like a real jewel of God.

 "God's jewels" is made of one or four simple drawings coupled with various biblical messages and personal prayers that add depth to the pictures. Each meditation reveals God's precious jewels hidden in small things. Three parts of the book consist of 48 short messages filled with joy, thanks, and prayers. Drawings with simple expressions let people open their hearts even if they have not read many other religious or spiritual books.

 It is filled with such spiritual jewels as 'At the moment of possession,' 'A thing for which we can never wait,' 'A cluster of flowers of joy,' 'The blessing of the desert,' 'The weeds in my heart,' 'A happy flower', 'Studying love,' 'My heart that even I can't understand,' 'In the darkness,' 'A vessel of the heart,' 'The gift of a word,' 'The shoulder given by the cross,' 'A hope held in the cross, the true peace,' 'The blooming cross,, "Lots of arrows' and "The heavenly joy.'

 It offers calm in the midst of hectic modern life. It lets us look at ourselves and our neighbors in the light of a spiritual message. It enlightens us, allowing us to share the precious beauty of life that can be easily missed while busy with daily affairs.

 Under the various titles listed above, some of the messages expressed are as follows:

 "There is a thing for which we can never wait. It is to fill the present moment with love."

 "The stairs of life we climb are the shoulder given by the cross."

 "If we want to move the stubborn heart, hurling words of thunder is of no use. Oppression further strengthens stubbornness. The gentle whisper is necessary to open the hardened heart."

 "The world is broad, and I in the midst of the great nature am bigger than a grain of the sand. However, I sometimes suffer because of a little thought less than a grain of sand. Nevertheless, the jewel shines in God."

 "If I look at the world with the eyes of Jesus, if I see my neighbors with the heart of Jesus, if I look at myself with the love of Jesus, I can be a little light that can change the world."

 "The efforts and beads of sweat of those who practice love become the beautiful cross and the heavenly bird with wings. Then with the heavenly towel, it cleans the beads of sweat of Jesus."   

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ June 15, 2004

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