
Best Seller of All Seasons 사계절의 베스트셀러_성경


    (written in 2002)

 The essence of Hebraism is the Bible, which has greatly influenced every field of western culture. Without knowing the Bible, we can't easily understand western culture. Furthermore, the Bible is not limited to western culture probably because of God's universal presence. In fact, the Spirit dwells in our daily life. This Spirit keeps talking to us through every event in our life through the Bible, nature, and people.

 Translated into over one thousand languages, with over one and a half billion copies published so far, the Bible is history's leading bestseller because it shows us the true meaning and value of life. It is the textual origin and soul of all Christian lives that makes us freer and happier.

 The Second Vatican Council opened the gate towards the Bible. Since then, the Bible has been regarded as the source of the Church󰡑s renewal. Ordinary people have become more familiar with the Bible. In the 1970s, Korean Christians became eager to read and study the Bible. At present, various groups want to study it.

 What is the Bible? Why are so many people attracted to and fascinated by it? Have you ever received a letter from your loved one? If so, you would probably read it many times. The Bible is such a letter. Simply put, the Bible is God's letter filled with love and vision. Like love, the Bible is always refreshing. So it is called the Holy book, the bread of life, the bread of our soul, the textbook of truth, the never-dried spring, the source of faith, the best guideline or companion of life, and so on.

 A person following God's word willingly listens, practices, and loves the truth. That's why Christians are eager to read the Bible, which constantly invites us to listen to God's words and practice them daily. When St. Augustine felt sorry about his sad and misspent life, he heard children singing, "Take it and read it, take it and read it…" At that moment, he began to read the Bible and finally led a new life.

 The Bible truly brings about inner transformation. It changes and improves us. St. Augustine even said, "Read the Bible often so that you may not die apart from the bread of life." St. Jeronimo also said that "not knowing the Bible is not knowing Christ". If we want to learn more about Christ, we should read the Bible first.

 Many people enjoy reading the Bible repeatedly. Some people told us that they have read it twice, three times, eight times or so. A person with paralyzed hands and feet used his mouth to read the Bible 8times. Christians are eager to memorize biblical verses. The Daughters of St. Paul have a Bible Correspondence Study Program to help people understand and live the Scriptures. This program allows us to connect with true words. It is touching to hear that several old women without a diploma passed a licensing examination just to enroll in this course.

 Nancy, Lincoln's mother, used to read the Bible every day to her son. She read it to him when he began to speak. When she passed away when he was aged 9, she left a will saying, "My dear son, meditate on the Bible every day. Read the Bible all the more especially during a crisis." General MacArthur started his daily work only after reading the Bible. He didn't change his uniform unless he read God's words. When coming home, he always read the word before going to bed.

 John Woenermaker, the so-called king of department stores all over the world, began to read the Bible when he was nine. He said that "I have bought so many things so far. Among them, one thing is the most precious. It is the Bible that I bought at the age of nine. It's the most important thing I ever bought. Because of it, I could know God and Christ. Thanks to it, I have lived without serious mistakes."

 We may sometimes feel rushed because of various challenges. We feel time pressure and neglect the most important things. But one notices that 'Lectio Divina' is popular among Christians these days. This is a method of contemplating Biblical words. Heeding the Scriptures will surely make our hearts peaceful.

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Dec. 31, 2002

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