
Therapy of laughter 웃음 치료

We are confronted with various crises. The more we experience difficulties and problems, the more we need to face the reality with composure and laughter.

Living in the same era, we, Paulines, have various retreat programs for lay people. Especially during the Advent and Lenten seasons, we visit many parish churches to lead the retreat, a kind of spiritual exercise or prayer meeting, across the country.

In December last year, I joined the retreat at the Suwon diocese and applied laughter therapy for about 10 minutes in the introductory part of the retreat. Those who participated in the prayer meeting enjoyed laughing and clapping together.

I heard many migrants in Korea say that "Koreans are very kind but they are lacking in laughter." It is easy to see that foreigners are used to greeting people with smiles.

When we applaud with laughter, 231 muscles move so 650 muscles in the body use energy. It is said that we usually use only about 25 muscles out of 80 muscles in the face.

Babies smile about 400 times a day, but adults smile only 10 to 17 times for about three or four minutes.

That is why we should practice smiling every day. Even an involuntary laugh helps the body to get rid of stress and tension. Laughing increases natural killer cells and affects both patients and nurses.

Oriental proverbs say the following:

"Laughing brings about every kind of blessing."

"The more we laugh, the younger we become. The more we get angry, the older we become."

"Be less angry; smile a lot."

Laughing is a way to bring about positive changes without spending money. William Shakespeare said, "Being robbed of laughter is being robbed of the important thing. Laughing prevents 1,000 ways of harm and lengthens life." Loud laughter for more than 15 minutes increases life span.

Byron also recommended to "Smile always as far as you can. Laughing is the medicine that doesn't demand much money."

Alain said, "The smiling face is much more impressive than the beautiful clothes. Even though you feel bad, just smile. Your heart will be enlightened when you remove a grimace. A smiling face is a good makeup, and it affects and stimulates blood circulation. Laughter is the medicine of life."

Fr. Whang Chang-yeon said in his lecture on happiness, "We think it is the end of life when we get cancer. However, we can forget the pain when we laugh a lot. Laughing brings about endorphins. When we laugh aloud, inflammation disappears. When inflammation gathers, it becomes cancer. Those who are filled with gratitude and live joyfully don't die in spite of getting cancer. However, those who are always worried about children and work will die soon."

As many people emphasize, laughing is the best make-up and the best medicine in life. It is the best medicine because it removes anger, hatred, and negative thoughts, and it furthermore builds up hope, health, love, positive thoughts, and good relationships. When we laugh aloud, it enlightens the heart. Laughter also increases attention, concentration, creativity, intuition, and the ability to think.

I read several books on laughing and I could summarize that the root of laughing is gratitude. When we are grateful for everything given to us, smiles will naturally spread out on our faces.

There are three rules for smiling. First, smile aloud. Second, smile for more than 10 minutes. Third, laugh so hard that it brings vibrations to the belly and the whole body.

To sum up, laughter is a blessing, gift, composure, and freedom. It is almost like a tonic and a panacea. "No pain, no gain. No cross, no crown." Let's make it a practice to keep smiling.



The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Jan. 14-15, 2012

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