
1% Inspiration 1 퍼센트 영감


More and more immigrants and foreign laborers are coming to Korea. We can meet various Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipinos, and other foreigners. They reportedly account for 2.5 percent of the population.

Most of them came to Korea to earn money but the situation is not so desirable and comfortable. Some of them face multiple problems, including cultural differences and adjustment, money issues, gambling, loneliness, a weak moral sense, uncontrollable sexual desires, and divorce. They cannot but endure their time and wait for a brighter future.

In the Catholic Church, pastoral work and services for these people have increased. Many volunteers work for them at multicultural centers. Catholic churches share their buildings for Mass.

One day, I visited Hannam Foreign Catholic Church in Seoul to consult on the possibility of having an audio-visual retreat in English for foreigners.

An Italian, the Rev. Garlo said, "I'm not sure how many people will join this program because such an event is the first try. Furthermore, those who come to say Mass here are like wanderers whose number is fluid and not fixed at all. If you want to try despite all the situations, you may do that. Sister, you decide."

He looked at me. Listening to him, I hesitated for a while. I couldn't figure out what to choose and decide. So I solicited the opinion of my companion Sister Mary who went there with me.

"Sister, what do you think about this? What shall we do?"

"It is a new experience for you. I think the number of participants is not crucial. It is important to get feedback on the project. Don’t you think it is better for you not to have so many people for the first time? It is just the first try."

Listening to her, I prepared for the first retreat in English.

On the day of the retreat on the topic of true happiness, I decorated the front of the altar with all my heart. I placed the colorful paper with words symbolizing the light coming out of the Bible, spread in front of the Holy Spirit in flame.

About 75 participants were positive and encouraging.

I began the retreat with the intention that each person could be healed spiritually and become happier regardless of the number of participants. I just wanted to console and encourage them in a foreign country. Their response was much better than expected. It was a miracle.

For me, the process is more important than the result, for the result is the fruit and gift of the process. Without the first reaction and advice of Sister Mary, I might have given up on the first try. Hearing the opinions of others is always necessary. There lies the beauty of being and doing something together.

If there is 1 percent inspiration, it is worth trying.

In the world, there are more opportunities to have memorable experiences. It is a matter of opening the heart. We need to try even if we have a small portion of positive thoughts. Follow the inspiration and Divine Providence will surely take care of everything.

Walking along the journey of life, we need lots of companions, friends, advisers, or helpers. Nothing can be done alone. Many people have sacrificed themselves and died like a grain of wheat.

It is beneficial to meet a wise and thoughtful companion while working together. To collaborate with such a person is a blessing and a joy. Isn't it beautiful and inspiring to have friends who encourage and cheer up 1 percent of inspiration in us?



The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ March 31-April 1, 2012

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