"A Piece of Sunshine" shares English-Korean essays written by Sr. Ae-ran Kim (Mari Teresa) who belongs to the Daughters of St. Paul (FSP) living and sharing the love of God with the help of social communications. The articles in this blog were originally published by The Korea Times. Like sunshine on a beautiful day, after rain or dark clouds, a piece of sunshine aspires to shine every corner of the world with glad tidings day in and day out for the glory of God and peace to people!
The Book That Changed Everything 모든 것을 변화시킨 책
What would be the book that can change everything? Many inspiring books can change our lives and perspectives. Among them, I would dare say that the Bible is the most inspiring book that can change everything.
Recently, "The Book That Changed Everything," a picture book written by Sister Allison Regina Gliot and illustrated by Santiago Maria Lopez Piuma, was published by Pauline Books & Media.
Sofia, the protagonist in this story, has so many books because she enjoys reading. Being an avid reader, she spends all her time exploring the world of words in a library. But she feels something is missing.
One day in a dream, she finds a book that feels like a friend calling out to her.
"Who are you?" She asked.
"I am the Word of God. My name is Jesus."
"Jesus? I read about you in the book!"
"You were not just reading about me, Sofia. I was speaking to you. That book is my voice. Whenever you read it, we are together."
Now, reading the Bible, Sofia spent time with her friend, Jesus, every day. She learned about his mission, promises and love.
Jesus asked, "Do you like my book, Sofia?"
"Yes, more than anything!"
"Would you like to hear the rest of the story?"
"There's more?"
"The people in that book lived a long time ago. When they followed me, they told other people about me, and those people also learned to listen to my voice. I never stopped talking to them and to all my new followers who came later. The story continues in the Church I made right up to today. Right up to you, Sofia. Sofia, will you be a part of my story? Will you follow me?"
"Oh, yes, please! I want to follow you forever!"
"Then, come my little one. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I have so much to show you."
This story reminds me of a short story about a shoemaker named Martin Avdeitch. This story is known as "Martin the Cobbler," but the original title is "Where Love Is, God Is," a short story written in 1885 by Russian author Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910).
Martin denied God because of the suffering he underwent. But as he began to read the Bible every day, his perspectives underwent a dramatic transformation, and through compassion and sharing with others, he experienced the presence of God among those who were in dire need.
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me … Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:35-36, 40)
The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Sept 19 (online), 20 (offline), 2023
모든 것을 변화시킨 책
모든 것을 변화시킬 수 있는 책은 무엇일까? 우리에게 영감을 주는 수많은 책은 우리 삶과 관점을 바꿀 수 있다. 그 가운데서도 성경은 분명 모든 것을 변화시킬 수 있는 가장 영감 어린 책이리라.
최근에 앨리슨 레지나 글리엇 수녀가 글을 쓰고 산티아고 마리아 로페즈 피우마가 삽화를 그린 그림책 “모든 것을 변화시킨 책”이 바오로딸에서 출간되었다.
이 이야기의 주인공인 소피아는 독서를 즐겨 하여 참으로 많은 책을 소장하고 있다. 독서광 소피아는 하루 종일 도서관에 머물러 단어의 세계를 탐색하지만 무언가 미흡하다고 느낀다.
어느 날 꿈에서 소피아는 친구가 자신을 부르는 듯한 느낌을 주는 책을 발견한다.
"누구세요?" 소피아가 물었다.
"난 하느님 말씀이야. 내 이름은 예수."
"예수라고요? 책에서 당신에 대해 읽었어요!"
"소피아, 넌 나에 대해 그냥 읽기만 한 것이 아니란다. 난 너에게 직접 말하고 있었지. 그 책은 내 목소리야. 네가 그 책을 읽을 때마다 우리는 함께 있어."
이제 소피아는 날마다 성경을 읽으면서 친구 예수와 함께 시간을 보냈다. 소피아는 예수의 사명과 약속, 사랑에 대해 배웠다.
"소피아, 내 책이 마음에 드니?" 예수가 물었다.
"예, 제 맘에 쏙 들어요!"
"나머지 이야기도 듣고 싶니?"
"이야기가 더 있나요?"
"그 책에 나오는 사람들은 아주 먼 옛날에 살았지. 나를 따르던 그들은 사람들에게 나에 대해 말했고, 그래서 그 사람들 또한 내 목소리에 귀 기울이는 법을 배웠지. 난 나를 따르던 이들과 나중에 나를 따르게 된 모든 이에게 한없이 이야기했어. 그 이야기는 내가 세운 교회에 이어져 오늘날까지 계속 전해지지. 소피아에게도 이어져. 소피아, 내 이야기의 일부가 되지 않을래? 나를 따르렴!"
"오, 그럼요, 따르고 싶어요! 예수님을 영원히 따르고 싶어요!"
"그럼, 어서 와, 내 작은 아이야. 두려워하지 마. 내가 너와 함께 있으니. 너에게 보여줄 것이 참 많아."
이 이야기는 구두수선공 마틴 아브제이치에 대한 단편소설을 떠올린다. 이 소설은 “구두수선공 마틴”으로 알려져 있으나 원제목은 “사랑이 있는 곳에 하느님이 계시다”이다. 이는 러시아 작가 레프 톨스토이(1828~1910)가 1885년에 쓴 단편소설이다.
마틴은 자신이 겪은 고난 때문에 하느님을 부인했으나 날마다 성경을 읽기 시작하면서 자신의 관점에 극적인 변화를 불러일으켰다. 연민을 갖고 사람들과 더불어 나누면서 마틴은 도움을 절실히 필요로 하는 이들 가운데 하느님이 현존하심을 체험했다.
“너희는 내가 굶주렸을 때에 먹을 것을 주었고, 내가 목말랐을 때에 마실 것을 주었으며, 내가 나그네였을 때에 따뜻이 맞아들였다. 또 내가 헐벗었을 때에 입을 것을 주었고, 내가 병들었을 때에 돌보아 주었으며, 내가 감옥에 있을 때에 찾아 주었다. … 너희가 내 형제들인 이 가장 작은 이들 가운데 한 사람에게 해 준 것이 바로 나에게 해 준 것이다." (마태 25,35-36.40)
Reconciliation garden 화해의 정원
One day, on the way to the mission trip to St. Paul Chung Korean Parish in Kitchener, Ontario, we dropped by St. Mary Our Mother of the Seven Sorrows Church founded in Gothic style in 1854.
After praying, I went around the Church and found an interesting corner called “Reconciliation Garden” established by St. Mary’s Parish ReconcilACTION Circle which works together to heal and educate people about Truth and Reconciliation with the help of Indigenous leaders and elders.
The reconciliation garden is dedicated to the growing of a relationship with Indigenous Peoples. In the reconciliation garden, there are seven signboards of Grandfather teachings that were originated from the wisdom of Indigenous Peoples. The seven teachings (humility, respect, truth, wisdom, honesty, courage, and love) teach us how to live a good life and be in balance with the Earth and all of creation.
Because St. Mary’s Church is situated on land that is the traditional home of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Neutral People, the Church is much concerned about reconciliation activities.
Since the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of Reconciliation for the dignity, survival, and well-being of Indigenous peoples on September 13, 2007, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) was established while taking the UN Declaration as the framework for reconciliation between Indigenous and non-indigenous peoples.
To improve the lives of indigenous people by building awareness, education, and connections between all peoples, various reconciliation activities are undergoing in Canada.
Walking along the path of a wide-spread forest, we can easily take a look at some signboards appreciating the universal awareness of the necessity of reconciliation and harmony with water, earth, air, wind, bird, moon, sun, etc.
Four hundred years prior to the arrival of Europeans in A.D. 1615, Southwestern Ontario was home to as many as 20,000 people known as Neutral Nation. They were given this name by the French explorer Samuel de Champlain because they refused to ally themselves with others.
As the adventurous, sometimes exploitative, development projects went on, however, they had to move somewhere without enough strength to persevere and survive. Along the forests here and there, some tracks of dead trees appear and reveal the history of their residentials.
Wisdom from the remnants of Indian tribes, the Amish way of life, the Puritan and transcendental way of life are still relevant in the world. Enduring people can still survive and live a better life even without the benefits of the rapid development of contemporary means.
How to cooperate and unify all the different natures and characteristics of life would be our homework forever. Education and awareness would be the key to improving the quality of life toward integration. So, we are eager to learn and experience something anew.
When I recently visited Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I saw a long line of kids and students, some with their parents or teachers in front of the statue of John Harvard (1607-1638), the founder of Harvard. Various groups of people were crowded to take a picture of the statue and to rub his bronze toe for luck. With that passion, I do sincerely hope that the world together can improve the climate crisis.
“My son, if your heart is wise, my heart also will rejoice; And my inmost being will exult when your lips speak what is light.” (Proverbs 23,15-16).
Where is your Walden? 당신의 월든은 어디에 있나요?
When I first read Henry David Thoreau's "Walden" ("Life in the Forests") in 1985, I was indelibly impressed by the idea of having spiritual freedom to live independently in the forests.
Since then, "Walden" became a symbol of living a simple life with inner freedom, and naturally, living a simple and frugal life became one of the virtues to put into practice in my life. Later on, the idea of living a simple life inspired me to live the spiritual virtue of "poverty" as well.
Nevertheless, when I entered the religious congregation, I lived in the city most of the time. Only when I went to climb the mountains during special occasions or vacations, I could enjoy walking under the trees in the forests.
Since about 65 percent of the geography of Korea consists of mountainous areas, I can say that almost every city is surrounded by mountains and hills. However, living actually in the forests is another matter.
Recently when I stayed in Canada for two months and in Boston for several weeks, I felt so free, peaceful and spontaneous thanks to the surrounding trees across huge landscapes. Whenever I took a walk, I was so pleased with the trees stretching high toward the lofty sky. I felt many blessings in nature.
Almost 20 percent of Acadia National Park in Maine is wetlands such as bogs, marshes, swamps, ponds and lakes. How pleasing and consoling to breathe with the freshwater in the ponds and lakes along the trails!
Since the flatland forests with tall and large trees are widespread across the nation, constructing private houses in the forests, near the lakes or ponds is possible.
The most beautiful impression I have is the broad and vast landscapes of the nation. State or national parks are so huge that each place shares lots of natural beauty with enjoyable walkers. It would be one of the reasons to attract more migrants to come abroad.
Those who can afford to do so construct their beautiful houses near the shore of a sea, lake or pond, or a forest. I think large spaces surrounded by trees can also protect people from approaching viruses.
Many countries are so crowded with people that they build tall skyscrapers and apartments more and more. Meanwhile, some countries are blessed with larger landscapes that still remain wild and natural. In terms of geography, the world looks unfair, but our mutual differences create the potential beauty of cooperative sharing with the help of diversity.
In spite of the differences, we have a dream to build a broader spiritual space, and that dream for inner space inspires us to ponder on the meaning of life in the most rapidly transforming world.
"Where is your Walden?"
It is the catchphrase for the Walden Pond Visitor Center in Concord, Boston. What a joy it was for me to walk around Walden Pond and step on the very spot where Henry David Thoreau lived for two years and two months from July 1845 to September 1847!
Walking along the Walden trail, I saw many people swimming in the shallow parts of the pond. Some were reading books while sitting on cozy beach chairs near the shore. Fishing, hiking, walking, swimming or reading, our dreams to be in harmony with nature are realized every day.
The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Sept. 6 (online), 7 (offline), 2023
당신의 월든은 어디에 있나요?
1985년, 헨리 데이비드 소로우의 “월든: 숲 속의 생활”을 처음 읽었을 때 나는 숲에서 독립적으로 살아가는 영적 자유가 있다는 생각에서 잊을 수 없는 감동을 받았다.
그 이래 “월든”은 내적 자유를 누리며 단순하게 살아가는 하나의 상징이 되었다. 자연적으로 소박하고 검소하게 살아가는 것은 내 삶에서 실천해야 할 여러 덕목 가운데 하나가 되었다. 그 후 단순하게 살아가겠다는 생각은 '청빈'이라는 영적 미덕을 살아가도록 영감을 주었다.
그럼에도 나는 수도원에 입회한 후 대부분의 시간을 도심에서 살았다. 특별한 날이나 휴가철에 등산할 때 비로소 나는 숲 속 울창한 나무 아래 산책하는 즐거움을 느낄 수 있었다.
우리나라 지형의 65퍼센트 정도가 산지로 이루어져 있어 거의 모든 도시가 산과 언덕으로 둘러싸여 있다고 할 수 있지만 실제로 숲 속에 사는 것은 또 다른 문제다.
최근 나는 캐나다에서 두 달, 보스턴에서 몇 주를 지냈는데, 드넓은 풍경을 가로질러 둘러선 나무들 덕분에 얼마나 많은 자유로움과 평온함과 자연스러움을 느꼈는지 모른다. 산책할 때마다 드높은 하늘을 향해 쭉쭉 뻗은 나무들을 바라보며 한없이 기쁘기만 했다. 그런 자연 속에서 나는 참으로 많은 축복을 받았다.
메인주 아카디아 국립공원의 20퍼센트 정도는 습지와 늪, 연못이나 호수 같은 습지대로 이루어져 있다. 산책로를 거닐며 여기저기 흩어져 있는 연못과 호수에 고인 맑은 물을 바라보며 숨을 내쉰다는 것은 참으로 큰 기쁨이요 위안이다!
크나큰 나무들이 빽빽이 들어선 평지 숲이 온 나라에 널리 펼쳐져 있어 숲 속이나 호수 또는 연못 가까이에 개인 집을 지을 수 있다.
가장 아름답고 인상적인 것은 드넓고 광활한 풍경이다. 주립공원이나 국립공원의 규모는 참으로 거대하여 곳곳에서 쾌적한 산책을 즐기는 사람들은 자연의 아름다움을 만끽한다. 이처럼 아름다운 자연은 더 많은 이주민을 이 나라에 끌어들이는 요소 가운데 하나일 것이다.
여유가 있는 사람들은 바닷가나 호숫가, 연못이나 숲 근처에 예쁜 집을 짓고 산다. 나무로 둘러싸인 넓은 공간은 또한 바이러스가 사람들 가운데 침입하는 것을 예방할 수 있으리라.
많은 나라에서 인구가 너무 많아 고층 건물과 아파트를 점점 더 많이 짓고 있는 실정이다. 한편, 몇몇 나라는 야생과 자연이 여전히 그대로 남아 있는 드넓은 풍경을 누리는 축복으로 가득하다. 지리학적으로 볼 때 세상은 불공평해 보이지만, 이처럼 서로 다른 모습은 다양성에 힘입어 가능한 한 서로 협력하며 나누는 아름다움을 창출해낸다.
서로 다름에도 우리는 더 넓은 영적 공간을 구축하려는 꿈을 지닌다. 내적 공간에 대한 그 꿈은 급속도로 변하는 세상 한복판에서 삶의 의미를 곰곰이 반추하게 한다.
"당신의 월든은 어디에 있나요?"
보스턴 콩코드에 있는 월든 연못 방문자 센터의 광고 문구다. 월든 연못 주변을 거닐며 헨리 데이비드 소로우가 1845년 7월부터 1847년 9월까지 2년 2개월 동안 살았던 바로 그 자리에 발걸음을 내딛는 것은 크나큰 감격이었다.
월든 산책로를 따라 거닐면서 수심이 얕은 연못에서 수영하는 사람들을 많이 볼 수 있었다. 몇몇 사람들은 연못가 근처에 놓인 아늑한 해변 의자에 앉아 책을 읽고 있었다. 낚시, 하이킹, 걷기, 수영 또는 독서를 하면서 자연과 하나 되려는 우리의 꿈은 시나브로 이루어진다.
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