
Does the American Dream still exist? '어메리칸 드림'은 여전히 유효한가?

  As I go to the United States, I ask myself: “Does the American Dream still exist?”

 Just before entering the religious congregation, I had a dream to continue my studies in the United States. But I abandoned my plan to belong to the congregation of the Daughters of Saint Paul.

 After 30 years of living in the congregation, I am being sent to the United States as a missionary. I am now going there not to study but to witness the Good News of Jesus. Looking back, I realize that God never forgets each seed of our dreams…

 In 1607, people from England began to go abroad. George Washington proclaimed independence from Britain in 1776. The United States consisted of 31 States in 1848. At present, there are 50 States.

 Throughout its long journey, the United States has achieved remarkable economic growth, individual wealth, and a spirit of independence through diligent and hard work, perseverance, and challenges.

 Now the American Dream is moving in another dimension of well-being such as sustainable development, quality of life, interdependence, and leisure activities.

 Lots of people still keep moving to the United States despite the climate crisis and various natural disasters. The American Dream has become the national ethos of the United States.

 The American Dream is rooted in the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims that “all men are created equal with the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Such lofty ideals as democracy, human rights, liberty, opportunity, freedom, and equality created and built up the idea of the American Dream, and this inspiring identity has given multicultural people the opportunity for prosperity and success.

 James Truslow Adams coined the term, “American Dream,” in 1931. He said that “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” regardless of one's social class or circumstances of birth.

 During the mid-to-late 19th and early 20th century in the United States, the Statue of Liberty was the inspiring sculpture of the country that many immigrants first saw when they arrived. It signified new opportunities in life and thus the Statue of Liberty has become an iconic symbol of the American Dream.

 People went to the United States in search of success and happiness. Pursuing the American Dream, lots of people in the world went to cultivate a better future. Many people still flood to better countries. Fleeing hardships, the borders of European countries are overcrowded with migrants as well.

 Naturally, hard work and perseverance have become core beliefs. Truly, the American people established economic development, individual wealth, and an independent life with the help of the challenging frontier life, the dream of the Puritans, and upward mobility.

 Benjamin Franklin, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (Mark Twain), “The Great Gatsby” (F. Scot Fitzgerald), and “Death of a Salesman” (Arthur Miller) reveal the spirit of those times.

 Besides the marvelous developments, another challenging task would be to realize sustainable development, quality of life, and mutual interdependence.

 It is said that 1.4 million startups were founded in 2020. It is very much the same until now. “The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!” (Numbers 6:24-26).


The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Jan. 15 (online),16 (offline), 2023


  1. Carissima Sr mari Grazie mille che
    sei arivata bene!

    1. Grazie mille. Sono molto felice e grata in molti modi. Ieri sono arrivata da Boston a' Saint Louis.


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