
Spring Comes Like Fresh Bread 봄은 갓 구운 빵처럼 다가온다


       (written in 2008)

Kant asked three metaphysical, ethical, and religious questions regarding the existence of human beings. "What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope?" We also constantly ask questions such as "who I am?" and "where I am going?"

 Jesus is alive! What does his rebirth mean to me when I try to confirm my identity? We, Christians, believe that Jesus died and rose for all of us.

 How do we know that Jesus has been resurrected from death? How is his death related to my being? How does his rebirth affect my life? Believing in rebirth is truly a mysterious confession of faith.

 In this world, we can see various signs of rebirth, not only in nature but in people's relationships, especially in the spring.

 Almost every living plant, which seemed to be dead and silent during the winter, sprouts out of the dry and hard earth in the spring. The numerous flowers show their glories during this time surrounded by renewing energy.

 The sign of rebirth is also revealed through relationships. I think our relationships are a constant continuation of death and rebirth. Going beyond the mutual difference, we can share our lives and possession with others. While sharing, we can experience touching moments and the power of healing.

 I was very glad to hear that Bill Gates mentioned "creative capitalism" as a means to help the poor. Living with liberal capitalism in a consumer society, we need more sharing, compassion, and solidarity than ever before.

 One day while praying, I couldn't control my tears. The fact that Jesus had died for my sins moved my heart so deeply. I still long for affection, encouragement, and consolation from people, so I am sometimes hurt because of the lack of mutual communication and sharing.

 In the midst of all the hurts and weakness, Jesus comes near and cheers me up. Only in the presence of his merciful love and generous compassion, am I refreshed and at peace. I am renewed and can begin again and dedicate myself to a greater cause in life.

 Empowering and healing come from the words of God. "Fresh Bread", a collection of 12 seasonal essays by Joyce Rupp, helps one to start each day with the inspiring words of God. It provides us with spiritual nourishment and invites us to meditate on each topic.

 If you desire spiritual growth, I recommend this book. This year-long journey for spiritual nourishment will surely provide you with food for thought. Jesus, who has risen, says "I'm the living bread of life."

 'Lettre a D' by Andre Gorz(1923-2007) talks about the history of his healing process and love. He found a joyous love in marriage, but his love was tied only to his wife and his writings. They couldn't go beyond their marital world and in turn, chose an easy death.

 But Jesus goes beyond that; he comes and goes through death and rebirth. The words of God are so powerful that death and rebirth themselves are constants within our lives. In this sense, 'Fresh Bread' can truly be spiritual food for thought.

 I have so much work piled up that I sometimes lose my sense of composure and balance in life. In these hectic daily activities, I'm eagerly looking for more genuine communion with others.

 I have a spiritual vision and longing, but I'm still ego-centered and I have many limitations. So day in and day out, I'm undergoing the constant process of death and life. Jesus is powerfully alive in my weakness.



The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Mar. 29-30, 2008

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