
Shall We Walk? 우리 걸을까요?

             (written in 2006)

What do you do when you have trouble or difficulty? My only source of trouble these days is to find and discern good foreign books to translate and introduce to Korean readers. I feel fragile because of my inability and limitations, and this sense of incompetence brings about much tension from time to time.

 Most of the time I enjoy my work but sometimes I feel like crying; little by little I'm learning to let go and leave everything to fate. In the midst of my agony, I like to put aside some time to take a walk or climb a mountain. I also occasionally take the opportunity to meet people.

 It's truly a good and joyful thing to devote myself to the task at hand and to put all my energy into the present moment. Nevertheless, there are times when I feel weak, powerless, and limited. When we feel down and depressed, what should we do? 

 For religious people, prayer is a positive way to endure bad times and remain in the presence of the almighty God who helps them overcome weaknesses. However, being human beings with flesh and blood, we also need something else. For me, writing and walking are two ways of empowering myself. These two constructive ways help me face the inner conflict or tension that I feel and help me draw new strength. When I feel gloomy and powerless, I enjoy taking a walk or climbing a mountain.

 I think walking and climbing are the best ways to relieve stress and enlighten the soul. Doctors and psychologists often suggest walking. Climbing is surely one way to discipline the self, as it demands constant effort. It is such a good thing to see that walking and climbing can bring about simple joy and freedom.

 When I take a walk alone, I enjoy walking without any thoughts in my head. Just walking along, I feel empty and free to begin again. I feel like I am flying in the heavens. When I go with others, I try to listen, talk and share personal experiences with them. Whether going alone or with someone else, I feel I'm empowered by sharing the experience and the fresh air.

 Spring has come again this year. It's amazing to see new sprouts and flowers coming up through dry branches. The trees that were once naked and easily moved by the wind blowing are now happy with flowers, sprouts, and leaves. Looking around and seeing nature, I'm empowered.

 This spring, I met a person who has a personality like water. Her lifestyle is something like that of Jesus. Long ago, she entered the nunnery but left after three weeks. The religious life was not for her. Since then, she has lived alone without even her own home or office.

 She is not interested in revealing herself at all; she translates good subjects but doesn't want to reveal her name. Sharing good things with others is enough. She doesn't have her own home, but she can stay here and there through the generous hospitality of her friends across the country.

 She regularly publishes a simple collection of various writings with the help of others. A friend types for her, another friend edits for her, and so on. Her only intention is to help people become enlightened and empowered by meditating and sharing ideas with others.

 Meeting her at April 19th Tower was something very new and special. It was more than climbing a mountain and brought a kind of rebirth experience. Meeting a person like that, who is like the spring, is truly a happy thing and a gift from God. 

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ April 8-9, 2006

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