
Refreshing Love 새롭게 하는 사랑

    (written in 2003)

“My constant love will refresh you always.” Surely these are the words of love and mercy, not of punishment and judgment. Some prophets of the Old Testament gave us harsh warnings and instilled dreadful fear, but I believe that the essence of this message is not to judge and punish, but to forgive and love all people. Needless to say, love is greater than anything else.

 Here is a voice in the name of a prophet, which says, “Come to me, all of you, and you will live to the fullest. I'm still waiting for you, even though you are trying to deny and even reject me. I know you are tired of carrying heavy burdens. So, I'm willing to give every chance for you to come back to me. I'm always ready to forgive and not punish.

 “Remain in my love always so that you may have eternal life and enduring joy. I'm gentle, humble, generous, free, patient, and faithful to you in spite of all your wrongs or misled behaviors. I'm sure you can find rest in me. Thus, please don't hesitate to come back to me, and I'll refresh every moment of your life. Come to me, and you will live.

 “What is deeply underlying in the serious problem you face now? I think the main trouble is the disparity or contradiction between worldly love and constant love. Worldly love can console you and give much pleasure to you for a little while, but constant love is empowering you beyond earthly and temporary affection. Worldly love can disappear as quickly as morning mist usually because it is self-centered and capricious. Like dew, it can vanish early in the day.

 “However, my love, filled with generosity, understanding, sympathy, and compassion, is different from that kind of earthly love. Only if you turn away from your sins, I'll show you my constant love and make you joyful and happy forever. I don't want material offerings or formal sacrifices; what I want most is your constant and faithful love as I have shown you. Please don't be capricious and quick-tempered anymore. I'm here only for you.

 “I'm worried because your joy is disappearing little by little. Why have you changed your mind? What made you so unhappy? In the beginning, you were eager to come to me in spite of many individual works to do. You would simply present yourself in front of me. But it's somewhat different from before. Did you part with me because you were fed up with the formalism of the liturgy, the authoritative attitude of the priests, the outward expansion of the church building, the imbalance between faith and your real routine life, or the gap between the poor and the rich?

 “I'm deeply worried about all these situations. Why don't you face facts as they are? In fact, the liturgy should consider unselfish love and joyful praise as the most important element of liturgical service. Nevertheless, some parts of the liturgy are inclined to be habitual, formal, and external. What about the authoritative attitude of the priests? Living in a democratic society, many priests still stick to a hierarchical and strict relationship with laypersons and sisters. They one-sidedly give orders or directions without listening to ordinary people.

 “The outward expansion of churches is another big problem. Large buildings are constructed as if to be proud of appearance and external power only. Sometimes, a small but cozy building is more effective and charming for a little community. Why should we expand outward only?

 “The unbalance between faith and the routine life is also disturbing your life. You know many things about the truth, but your life doesn't follow a faith that requires putting this into practice. Life should come after faith. How about the gap between the poor and the rich? Sharing and solidarity are two major values leading to happiness on earth, but the rich become richer and the poor poorer. Remember the first communitarian life of the apostles. You are still having these problems in society; such problems and trials will continue because you are living within the limitations of the human world.

 “Remember that I have brought you out of dark and hopeless suffering. I have constantly protected you, especially in times of trouble, and taken care of you. I have loved you even on a dry and gloomy day. It's a pity that you became proud and forgot about me so suddenly. Naturally, your mistakes and wrongdoings have made you stumble and fall. Remember your first love with me. I'm willing to embrace you as you are. Don't turn away from my enduring love.

 “I understand you could become easily discouraged in cold-hearted circumstances. I'm truly sorry for that. Nevertheless, I would like to tell you one thing. The negative aspect of life is only a part of the whole history of the world. Bright, optimistic, and positive sights are still deeply lingering and appearing in our collective consciousness. Look! The world is filled with hopeful love, sharing, solidarity, repentance, forgiveness, interrelationship, and more.

 “We are moving to a better future. Many people have changed their minds and chosen a worthy way of life. Furthermore, I love you with all my heart and energy. I'm willing to lay down my life for you. You will blossom like flowers firmly rooted in the earth. You will be alive, fruitful, and charming evermore because of my constant love. Surely, my perpetual love will refresh you always! 

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Feb. 25, 2003

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