
King Baudouin 보두앵 국왕

   (written in 2003)

 When we think of the king or the president, we often relate him to a person with authority and power. Rather than being with humility, compassion, and solidarity, he turns out to be a person inclined to accumulate desire, wealth, and honor. Sometimes, he is ultimately led to corruption and injustice. In spite of this phenomenon, I found one king who attracted my attention.

 He is Baudouin, king of the Belgians from 1951 to 1993. "The Hidden Life" written by L.J. Cardinal Suenens talks about the life and spirituality of King Baudouin, who was born in 1930. I am happy that this book will be introduced to Korean readers by Pauline sooner or later. There is some message in this book, which we can think of and share together.

 The key to his hidden life lies in his deep spirituality, in his union with God. This spiritual communion was translated into daily acts of service to others. He truly loved all humankind with openness, availability, and the love of God.

 When he was still a teenager, he discovered that God loved us with a love that is foolish but real. Jesus suffered for us to save. His weaknesses didn't discourage him but provided him with a reason for trusting totally in God who strengthens everything. His life revealed that 'God loves us; No matter what we do, he will always be with us.

 He recommended we show our love in deeds for those who are close to us, wherever we are. This love in deeds is possible when we listen to others and share our joys and sorrows, worries, and concerns. It can be realized when we encourage one another and when we are ready to share with them the source of our joy and peace. 

 Prayer and Eucharistic celebration were the high points of his day. He liked to bask in the sunshine of God's presence by praying in the morning to listen to his voice and to be available to others. He prayed "Oh God, forgive me for trying to run before I can walk. Make me humble, all-powerful Lord, and happy to have been created weak."

 Saint-Exupery said that "love is not a matter of two people gazing at each other, but of two people gazing in the same direction". For Baudouin, Fabiola was such a lifelong companion. She was full of enthusiasm, intuition, and imagination. She was also proportioned with humility and openness. So, he truly appreciated her tender love with deep affection.

 They didn't have any children, but they were free to love all children. When he invited children to the palace, he said to them as follows:

 "What the world needs is love and joy. These are gifts you can bring to it. It is easily said, of course, but not so easily done. It's something we must practice every day. As you begin to practice it, you will see things changing around you.

 For example, as you help your parents and show your love for them, you will make them happier. You will make them want to do the same for each other, and for other people. And so, little by little, people will behave better to each other.

 Try, and keep on trying, to express your love in deeds. Never become discouraged. If you do this, I assure you, you will even see people's faces changing around you and, every evening, you will feel a great sense of joy in your heart. Try to become instruments of love."

 His purpose in being king was to love, pray and suffer for the country. Thus, he enjoyed praying that "Lord, make us suffer with the suffering of others. Lord, let us never again keep our happiness to ourselves. Make us share the agony of all suffering humanity. And deliver us from ourselves, if that is in accordance with your will".

 King Baudouin was a man loved and respected by many people. His practice of royalty to Belgie was something like a priesthood. He liked to go on retreat for a weekend. It is said that he was a shepherd with a shining example. He was a person who was willing to break down barriers if any. I think we need such leadership nowadays.

 Paul Claudel said that "I love things that exist together". This universal love is possible when contemplative life and active involvement are interrelated and harmonized with each other. As a king who ruled the country for 42 years, Baudouin knew how to love things that exist together. That's why people respect him.


True Wealth Is


True wealth is

Thinking Feeling

Understanding loving

Making this a possibility


True wealth is not being

Possessed by wealth

Possessed by power

Possessed by honor


True wealth is





This is true wealth.

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ Nov. 15, 2003

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