
An unexpected encounter 예기치 않은 만남


    (written in 2003)

What a grateful and graceful moment for us to meet various people around the world! It's encouraging and inspiring to meet generous and warm-hearted persons with vision and philosophy. Throughout our lives, we have various opportunities to encounter all kinds of people. Such meetings can be realized by means of reading books, writing essays, watching movies, or talking to one another. Our stories are filled with different experiences and situations, which enrich our lives and expand the dimension of relationships.

 Our encounters might happen all of a sudden without any expectation or preparation. Of course, certain meetings are surely built little by little with perseverance and waiting. Those encounters lead us to grow and be mature enough to expand our relationships.   The space and the time don't matter as far as sharing and meeting are concerned. Sharing will surely revive the spirit of love and joy.

 I still remember several professors who helped me to continue my study. They were of great help to me; their advice made me pursue my study. With their generous understanding and patient waiting, I could survive the difficult process of study. In the first semester at the University of the Philippines, Diliman, I had to give up the course on Shakespeare because of incompetence to follow. In the next semester, however, another professor opened one course on Shakespeare even though there were only three students in the class. I enjoyed reading "The Tempest". There are more generous and understanding people who are willing to help us as far as we do our best.

 While enjoying writing this column from time to time, I met a gentleman living far away from Seoul through postcards. It seems that he is willing to give his feedback on my writing, which is truly an unexpected gift. When I first received a postcard from him, I wondered who that man would be. He was eager to share his impressions and opinions on my writings. I felt he was encouraging me to do something better. When he said he keeps himself busy teaching English to the old, I felt a certain drive of energy, enthusiasm, and courage. He was making use of English songs and texts to encourage old people to study English as a part of the lifelong formation program.

 As a volunteer, he is making use of English songs and reading materials to teach the old people at the lifelong formation institute. It's quite touching and interesting to see him trying to make use of his talents for the foreign language. Being old doesn't matter in terms of enjoying and appreciating each moment. Fully be present in the present moment. No matter how old we are, we can make the best of our lives and enjoy each moment to the fullest by doing what we can do for society.

 He is a protestant but has a broad-minded perspective to share what he knows and experiences. After majoring in English language and literature, he wholly devoted himself to teaching students at schools. He even became the vice president of the foreign language high school. Spending the last moments of his life for the benefit of others will surely make our lives enjoyable and cheerful. It is beautiful to see people dedicate their lives to the benefit of others after retiring from the public position. He even sent me several cassette tapes, but I'm not yet able to listen to them because my recorder is out of order.

 I really appreciate such an unexpected encounter especially because it brings much joy and sharing. How warm-hearted it is to share with one another what we have unconditionally beyond difference. I believe that this kind of meeting is God's free gift to enrich our lives on earth. "The Shared Heart: Relationship Initiations and Celebrations" written by Barry and Joyce Vissell and recently translated into Korean says that every relationship can be served as the vehicle for 'spiritual awakening'. With spiritual realization, each of us can be gifts of unexpected joy and sharing for one another.

 It continues as follows: "We all long for love. At the same time, we are all afraid of what true love requires. To merge into unity, to share at the deepest level of being with another person, requires detachment from our ego-natures--letting go of all we think we are. There can be no real relationship of love without this surrender." Don't you think that our unexpected encounters are also a gesture of longing for love?

 Every deep relationship or encounter is truly a path of initiation and sharing, a journey involving many tests and trials. In our longing for love, our lives will give us numerous opportunities for growth and improvement. Unexpected encounters let us enjoy the beauty of life and love. "Learning to love one other person completely, teaches you how to love all people. Learning to love all that is unlovable in your partner, learning how to rise above the pettiness, disagreements, and judgments establishes in you a love for all humanity."

 The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ March 20, 2003

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