
Proposals 제안


Since I created a Facebook page last May, I received more than 10 proposals from gentlemen abroad. Many of them are willing to communicate and build up a friendship. Truly, Facebook lets people connect and inter-relate with one another. (to be continued)

I let the cyber relationship be opened for the sake of mission and evangelization. Later on, I realize many of these men are widowers feeling lonely and looking for some other alternatives. Communicating and sharing with another is worthwhile and interesting, but I often find myself unable to reply to them all the time due to my religious life and apostolate. So I just let it flow and go.

Since my goal for the mission is very clear and determined, I am not easily disturbed at all by various approaches and encounters. I just read and figure out the signs of God talking to me through people.

Along the journey of our lives, we receive various kinds of proposals. So we need to discern whether the proposal comes from God's will or self-centered desire.

It was several years ago that I began to appreciate the single-minded life of Lawrence of the Resurrection (1605-1691) who proposed to practice the presence of God in daily lives. The mystic story of Brother Lawrence inspires me a lot in regard to where to go and how to live as a religious person.

His example of practicing the presence of God, in reality, marked a turning point in my contemplative life. In other words, his enduring practice gave me a clear and stable sense of mission.

His conversation with God began at the age of 18 when he was a soldier and saw a tree stripped of leaves. He reflected that new leaves would appear anew before long, and this vision revealed a sense of providence to him.

Before joining the monastery, he was clumsy that often smashed everything. He was eager to sacrifice and make reparation for his awkwardness and mistakes, and talking always with God and living in his presence was a great concern.

As a lay brother to the Discalced Carmelites of Paris, he worked in the kitchen for a considerable time and concentrated on living entirely for God and doing everything for the love of God only. His goal was to love and be happy in God.

As the means for attaining the presence of God in daily lives, he practiced as follows:

1.      Attain a great purity of life.

2. Be faithful in practicing the presence of God and in keeping the soul's gaze upon God without giving way to difficulties or worries.

3. Begin, continue and finish actions while lifting the heart to God.

4. Pray for short passages such as "My God, I am wholly yours." "O, God of love, I love you with all my heart." "Lord, make my heart like yours."

5. Persevere.

6. Wholly give up earthly things.

He firmly believed that faith can become much more active and alive when we put these particular points into practice. Only then will we be filled with the fire of divine love and free from the world.

More than anything else, the spiritual proposal of Brother Lawrence appeals and inspires me along the way in religious life. The proposal to contemplate the love of God and remain in his presence would not be even compared to any other proposals.

      Do It Well

    Whatever you do
    do well what you can

    If you clean
    sweep and wipe
    until it shines

    If you sing
    sing from the bottom of your heart
    so that it touches the soul

    If you talk
    remain in the moment
    so that you feel sympathy

    If you love
    just love without limits
    until you love unconditionally

    Whatever you do
    do well what you can.



The Korea Times/ Thoughts of the Times/ October 8, 2013

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